Wednesday 8 June 2011

Blogging not sulking.

I am at risk of another week of sulking, so I have come here to get it off my chest!  Weigh in at Weightwatchers this morning and only 1lb loss.  Yes, yes, I know all you glasshalffull people will tell me that it's a loss and it's all in the right direction and so on, but I'm still pretty pissed off because what with all the not eating yummy sweets and all the hard hard work on the running, it doesn't feel like ENOUGH.  It would literally take me years to get to target at 1lb a week.  To me, 1lb is RUBBISH.  Bloody hell.

Anyway, some better news from today.  I won a pedometer in the WW raffle - woot!  I wanted one, but couldn't really justify the expense, they're about fifteen quid, and now I have one for the outlay of £1.  Thanks bosslady Natalie and Bev!

I finally had an appointment with the diabetes consultant at the hospital, after only five months of waiting and hassling and phoning to remind them that I was actually unmedicated and pretty ill and probably a candidate for hospitalisation and could they please just let me have fifteen minutes of a doctor's time instead.  This was finally achieved by phoning the office of the CEO of the Health Board and complaining.  Twenty minutes later, my appointment was sorted for the next day.  Magical, the power of bitching at the right folk!  The very pleasant Dr O agreed that I could try a relatively new drug called Byetta which might actually help my weight loss efforts instead of hindering them like insulin does.  I should be getting my supply of it tomorrow from the diabetes nurses, is it sad that I am excited?

Another woot for today - I found alcoholic ROOT BEER in Tesco.  How amazing is that?  I'm saving it to take on my hols!

Biggest woot saved for last - today I ran the first run of Week 4.  A five minute warm up, a 'short' three minute run, 1.5 minute walk, a FIVE MINUTE RUN, 2.5 minute walk, run 3, walk, run FIVE, cool down.  Yes, I ran for five minutes without stopping. Twice. Without wanting to saturate you in the sheer smugness, I'm so proud.  I honestly never thought I would acheieve that, I remember back at the outset, scrolling through the weeks and thinking, run for five minutes?  Fuck no!  And here, I did it.  It feels so so good.  I'm also amused that what was my 'long run' on Monday is my 'short run' today.  Progress of the very coolest kind.

I think I need to blog soon about the positive changes that I AM noticing - the changes in my shape and msucles and fitness, to gee myself over the fact that the scales just don't want to shift for me.  I will do that soon, I promise, but now I am off to hit the sofa with a Curly Wurly!  (3PP...!)

Sunday 5 June 2011


Week 3 - warm up walk, 5 minutes.  Run 1.5 minutes, walk 1.5 minutes; run 3 minutes, walk 3 minutes.  Repeat. Cool down walk 5 minutes.

I've been sulking again.  I'm terrible.  Wednesday's loss was a mere 1/2lb, which was a bit frustrating, because I've been working SO hard.  I can feel the inches coming off, am noticing the difference in my clothes, I just want the scales to shift!

It's been a busy week, and a sad one, as we had to have our two pet rats put to sleep on Friday.  I'm very proud of myself for not caving in and comfort eating.  I did have chocolate -but it was a Curly Wurly!  3 Propoints - I can live with that.

Because it's been busy I'd not had time to run after Monday's efforts on Week 2, so when I headed out last night I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to start Week 3 with that big jump from 1.5 to 3 minutes continuous running.  I appreciate that this might not seem 'big' to fit people but a few weeks ago just running for 60 seconds was a challenge so try to see it from my perspective, three minutes is scary long time!

With my husband's encouragement, I decided to go for it - and I'm glad I did because I DID IT!  I ran for three whole minutes without stopping - TWICE!  In fact, after my second 3 minute run I even tacked on a little victory sprint.  Get me and my victory sprinting, watch the fat girl GO!

My pride in myself, and my small but enormous accomplishment, has lifted my mood like nothing else could.