Tuesday 24 May 2011


I should probably apologise at this point for the stream-of-consciousness approach.  It helps me just to spew ideas at the keyboard, rather than give too much thought to what might make easy entertaining reading for you good people.  I'm the one doing all the hard bloody work though, so I'm sure you can live with it.  Also, the spacebar on my keyboard sticks.  I tried to get a new one but husband didn't feel it had the appropriate amount of 'multimedia features' (insert eye roll emoticon) so I am stuck with a rubbish sticky one.

Week 2 run 1 tonight.  I feel GOOD!  It was hard, as per, but not as hard as I expected.  I think I might actually be able to do this, you know.  I actually hit the gym after my run (helpfully, it's 5 minutes from my house, no real excuse for being such a lardy, hmmm?) and did some resistance work, concentrating on my upper body.

Some observances from tonight's run:

*  I have been running too fast.  Muppet!  No wonder I wanted to die.  I have slowed my run pace down to what is probably considered geriatric in experienced running circles, but it is sustainable and has not only eliminated the wish to die, it has significantly reduced my shin pain.  Good good good.  I figure I can work on speed once I've got the whole running for more than 90 seconds thang licked.

*  Running with a drink to hand. SO much better!  I took a 500ml sports bottle full of Nuun (a sugar free sports drink in tablet form, you just throw one into a half litre of water) and it made the whole thing so much more bearable.  I can't believe I'm dull enough not to have worked that out before now.

*  All my pants are getting too big and I'm too miserly to buy loads more till I'm significantly smaller.  Annoying southbound-knickers-when-running eliminated by going commando.  Yes, that was way too much information!

* New run route trialled tonight, I really liked it.  Riverside, very picturesque, less midges than Parc Taf Bargoed.  Less populated too, good for my sensitive disposition - I really don't like people seeing me runbecause I look like a fool -  but maybe less safe.  Whilst it's light it's not too intimidating but probably not one for the winter months.  Must make sure I start telling hubby where I'm going!

Weigh in tomorrow morning at Weightwatchers, I am praying for another decent loss to keep me motivated.  Hubby says I am getting "actually quite thin". I'm not thin by any stretch of the imagination but hopefully thinner than last week!

1 comment:

  1. Well done Setters! For the record it never gets easier, or at least you never think it does, till you realised you just ran 30 minutes and you're still alive!

    Ps. Do you have an iphone?
